The cloud - how to make it work for your business.

These past few months have certainly been challenging for us all. Home working, remote access, digital world of Zoom and Teams to aid our social distancing interactions are now all part of our day to day life. 

With many businesses embracing a change and switching over to a new norm almost overnight, for many the transition has not been so easy.


The past few months have certainly highlighted the importance of a robust IT infrastructure. How having a disaster recovery strategy, strong business continuity plan and investment in effective cloud-based solutions can minimise disruption to your business. I think it is safe to say we all need to understand the benefits it brings and ignoring this fact is no longer an option.

The need for a cloud-based solution is now greater that ever. It gives you the ability to work from anywhere at any time. Cloud-based solutions are more affordable and accessible than you may think. All you need is a device with an internet connection along with an adequate authentication procedure. It will provide reliability at a relatively low cost as you don’t have to pay for expensive hardware.

Those already using cloud infrastructure have found it easier to continue with business operations by moving into a remote working scenario. Many of our customers were also already utilising VoIP systems. Therefore, the transition was quick, transparent and our team were able to assist efficiently and swiftly with any changes required.

So, it seems that digital clouds have become essential tools for businesses like yours, that need secure, remote access to software and data.

The big question then…. What exactly is the cloud?

The cloud defines a network of secure servers located all over the world.

Companies such as Microsoft, Google and Amazon build and maintain these cloud networks that can allow your business to;

•  Store data for quick access across different devices

•  Use powerful software even on older devices

•  Reduce IT infrastructure investment and ongoing maintenance costs

•  Scale resource up or down as your needs change

Another benefit of the cloud is that some of the finest cyber security minds in the world are working hard and are keeping everything safe. 

Choosing the right cloud provider and implementing things like 2 factor authentication, encryption, as well as focusing on the long term security challenges, antivirus solutions etc. is essential and the most efficient way to operate your business in todays world.

We do this for you, so you don’t have to. 

To discuss how we can help you make the most of the cloud, please get in touch.